2025 Garlic Award Results

Congratulations to all award winners in this year’s AGIA Australian garlic Awards. The judges were delighted by the quality and diversity of the garlic entered into the 2025 Australian Garlic Awards. With a much drier winter and spring in many garlic regions, garlic bulbs were a little smaller, but the aroma and flavours were outstanding. There were bulbs from nearly every garlic Group, with the stand outs being the hot and spicy long storing Creoles, the plump Turbans, with milder flavour but strong latent heat and the more complex and beautiful Marbled Purple Stripes. The Standard Purple Stripes also shone, and it was great to see and taste one entry each from the Silverskin and Porcelain Groups. Although Elephant Garlic (Allium ampeloprasum) is not a true garlic, the AGIA have included it in the competition because it is so widely grown and eaten. The flavour can vary from bulb to bulb, and in this instance the entry was worthy of a silver medal because of it’s taste. Head judge Penny Woodward said, “We are so lucky to have such great Australian growers, with a diversity that allows us to grow in a range of climates and buy and taste garlic with a range of flavours and heat.” |