Australian Garlic Industry Association

A non-profit, member organisation run by growers

Supporting Local Garlic

Purely Australian; supporting the promotion and development the Australian garlic industry since 1991. Encouraging grower market, education and sharing up-to-date resources.

Member Resources

Reports & fact sheets, articles on growing, marketing, pests and diseases. Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) permits and much more.

Australian Garlic Awards

Celebrating Australian grown garlic that is true to its cultivar type and achieves quality standards. The Australian Garlic Awards is a collaboration between the AGIA and William Angliss Melbourne.

Find a local seller

All our listed sellers:

  • Supply and sell only Australian grown garlic
  • Are members of the Australian Garlic Industry Association
  • Support development and growth of the Australian garlic industry

What's on

  • All
  • News
  • Webinars
  • Events
  • Members only
  • Awards

Questions? Send us an enquiry to find out more!