The Australian network for garlic growers, sellers, processors and wholesalers.

2023 Speakers – AGIA Annual Conference

This year the Australian Garlic Industry Association is excited to introduce a great line up of speakers. See below for more details

The ‘New Growers’ Workshop’ on Friday is an exclusive opportunity for new and intending growers to meet and discuss elements of the garlic production cycle. The topics include Garlic Fundamentals, Growing Stages, Planting, Harvesting, Curing and Storage.

We also pleased to have 2 representatives of Garlic horticulture machinery, Carlos Herguedas  – International Sales Manager for JJ Broche, and our sponsor MacWood who will have a range of equipment on display.

Understanding the array of garlic viruses and their impact.
Associate Professor John Thomas Principal Research Fellow, Centre for Horticultural Science Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation.

A consortium of Australian university academics is taking on the challenge of combating viruses in garlic plants. Garlic that is virus-free is famously difficult to come by anywhere on the planet. Infected plants can have as many as ten or twelve viruses, with most garlic plants having at least six. Understanding the array of viruses and their impact, according to University of Queensland plant virologist Associate Professor John Thomas, could assist Australian growers enhance productivity. Dr. Thomas claims that all commercial garlic cultivars in Australia include viruses, which have no effect on taste or nutrition. “However, it has an effect on agricultural yield,”

Extract of an article by: Hari Yellina, Orchard Tech

Improving yield and emerging research.
Dr Stephen Harper,
Principle Research Fellow, School of agriculture and food sustainability, Faculty of science. University of Queensland

Stephen Harper has experience in the development of Australian and overseas research and extension projects to address productivity limitations in vegetable systems. His work has involved providing specialist field advice and diagnostics to the vegetable industry, as well as specialist regional knowledge on agricultural sustainability issues, landscape processes and degradation.

Implementing a plant tissue testing program
Darren Hicks Ag Vita

Darren is a scientist who has been working at AGVita for 15 years. His role as Technical Manager focuses on continuous improvement of analytical services and personalised service for specific technical or research issues in most Australian agricultural regions. He has presented to many corporate, small and medium businesses across Australia on the benefits and techniques of plant and soil analysis, covering crops from Avocados to Zucchinis.

On farm carbon management and future insights
Kelly Wickham Agriculture Victoria

Kelly has experience in delivering climate, environmental and sustainability related programs. Skilled in the case for bioenergy sector development, corporate social responsibility, environmental management systems and the waste management industry. Kelly recently commenced a role with the Horticulture Services Team at Agriculture Victoria (sustainable energy).

Horticulture sustainability framework and consumer insights
Adrian Englefield Industry Services & Delivery Manager – Hort Innovation

Hort Innovation is a grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australia’s horticulture industry and one of the nation’s 15 Rural Research and Development Corporations. Hort Innovation invests horticulture levies and Australian Government contributions into initiatives to help the industry be as productive and profitable as possible.

Maximising your marketing
Chloe Beever Monarch institute

Chloe is a keynote presenter and qualified trainer. With over a decade experience delivering trainer. With over a decade experience delivering businesses for support in their transition to online, marketing strategies and adoption of new technology systems. Chloe has held strategic roles in rural. regional and metropolitan areas, facilitating impact across local, state and national spheres.
Focuses: Marketing, capacity building, community development, technology systems and digital innovation and events

JJ Broch
Carlos Herguedas  – International Sales Manager
Specialises in Garlic Crop and Garlic Processing for more than 15 years.
A complete range of tools which help to optimise the costs and profit of the garlic crop.
Technicians and agronomists ready for direct supporting to the garlic farmers and traders.

Thank you to our Sponsor

The AGIA welcomes the support of MacWood Horticultural Machinery for the 2023 Conference.
MacWood are the Australian distributers for Garmach, Rosta and JJ Broch products.
With a range of implements that cover hand planting, 2-wheel tractors, Cat 1 and Cat 2 tractors for the complete mechanisation in the production of garlic, onions, broad beans and potatoes.
Andrew Wood, from MacWood will have a range of items on display during the Conference.

Further information can be found at: