The Australian network for garlic growers, sellers, processors and wholesalers.

2023 AGIA Conference

Annual Conference

Saturday 5th – Sunday 6th August
New growers workshop Friday 4th August

Thurgoona Country Club, Thurgoona, NSW

The Australian Garlic industry Association are delighted to resume our Annual Conference in Thurguna.
This event presents a great opportunity for garlic industry colleagues from all around Australia, and in all stages of garlic growing, to hear from outstanding guest speakers from across Australia, and to

Friday 4th August – New Growers Workshop

12 Midday – 5pm For new and intending growers. 
Meet and discuss elements of the garlic production cycle, topics include Garlic Fundamentals, Growing Stages, Planting, Harvesting, Curing and Storage. Includes lunch and afternoon tea.

Saturday 5th August

9.00-9.15John Olliff, AGIA Chair
Opening address
9.15-10.15Associate Professor John Thomas Principal Research Fellow, Centre for Horticultural Science Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Understanding the array of garlic viruses and their impact,
10.15 -10.30Morning Tea
10.30 – 11.30Dr Steve Harper Principal Research Fellow, School of Agriculture and Food Sciences,
University of Queensland
Improving yield and emerging research
11:30 – 12.00Sponsor presentation
12.00 – 1.00Lunch
1.00 – 2.00Darren Hicks Ag Vita
Implementing a plant tissue testing program
2.00 – 3.00
Kelly Wickham Agriculture Victoria
On farm carbon management and future insights
3.15 – 3.30Afternoon Tea
3.30 – 4.30Adrian Englefield Industry Services & Delivery Manager – Hort Innovation
Horticulture Sustainability Framework and Consumer Insights
4.30-finishBreak-out to discussion groups
7.00pm onwardsDinner

Sunday 6th August

9.00 -9.30Carlos Herguedas International Sales
JJ Broch
A Global snapshot
9.30 -10.30Chloe Beevers Monarch Institute
Maximising your Marketing (Part 1)
10.30-10.45Morning Tea
10.45-11.45Chloe Beevers Monarch Institute
Maximising your Marketing (Part 2)
11.45-12.00John Olliff AGIA Chair
Closing address
1:002023 AGM